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Louie Ariza

I'm the devil on everybody's shoulder

Louie Ariza studies MLang Spanish, and is due to graduate in 2020 On her Year Abroad he will spend his first semester in Puebla, Mexico and his second semester in Cordoba, Spain. So far, his favourite memory is surviving an earthquake!


Louie currently has not decided what he would like to do, which is fine because simply speaking another language opens so many doors for future employment and travel! He has contributed to the blog website here:

An introduction to Mexico

Isabelle Pyle

If you don't know where you want to go, then it doesn't matter which path you take

Isabelle Pyle is a MLang French and (sort-of) German student due to graduate in 2020. She spent her year abroad in Poitiers, France and so far, her favourite memory is Airbnb-ing the right way by renting out a boat in La Rochelle harbour!


She dreams of one day maybe becoming a lawyer or translator, and has contributed many times to the blog website:

DIY Degree- How To Make First Year Work For You

The French Market: A Survival Guide


Beth Hamilton

Take every opportunity and most importantly, do what makes you happy

Beth Hamilton is an MLang French and German student due to graduate in 2020. She is spending her Year Abroad in Poitiers, France, and Trier, Germany, and so far, her favourite memory of her Year Abroad is participating in a summer course in Germany where she spent many unforgettable moments, made lifelong friends and extended her YA.


Beth one day dreams of becoming an interpreter for an embassy/governmental organisation, and has contributed to our website:

First Year: A Broad Timeline

Tom Williamson

Vidi Vici Veni

Tom is a MLang Spanish student, due to graduate in 2020. He is spending his year abroad in Cordoba, Spain and his favourite memory so far is trying a Bull's Tail! He currently has no plans for graduating, but there is plenty of time to decide yet!


Tom created the MLang logo, and we can't wait to see what he writes for the website!

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