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Megan Edgar

Work Hard, Play Hard

Megan Edgar studies MLang Spanish and French, and is due to graduate in 2018. On her Year Abroad she spent her first semester in Poitiers, France and her second semester in Granada, Spain. Her favourite moment of her time abroad was her third date with her boyfriend Alan, who she met at an international student mixer on her third day. They went to Malaga, and spent so long talking that they missed the last bus back home to Granada, and so spent the night drinking wine on the beach and looking at the moon.  


As part of her masters year, she split her courses between translation modules in DELC and courses in Project Management as part of the Lancaster Management School, and has begun a Management Graduate Scheme for ITW Global, travelling the world and learning business.


As one of the first two students of the MLang course, she has helped to develop a mentor programme for future MLang (or MLing) students, and created a website. She has also written for the blog!:

Part Time Jobs at Uni: How to Make Them Work in Third Year

The MLang Degree: A final year's perspective

A final post...


She has graduated with MLang (Hons) Spanish and French with a 2:1.

Alicia Hughes-White

The more you try, the more you learn. Take every opportunity and challenge yourself.

Alicia Hughes-White is a MLang French and Italian Student graduating in 2018. She spent her Year Abroad in Poitiers, France, and her best memories are meeting lifelong friends including Meg and my boyfriend (who she brought back to England!)
YA cities: Poitiers, France


Having graduated with a 2:1, she is doing another masters at Lancaster University Management school in eBusiness and plans on going into management consulting!


Check out her blog posts!:

Top Tips for Writing you Dissertation

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